Enabling better collaboration and more nuanced benchmarking in primary schools
England has statutory regulations in place that ensure state-funded schools deliver broadly the same curriculum.
However, there still exists a wide range of contexts in which this education takes place including: the management of schools; how the schools choose to spend their budgets; individual policies in regard to staffing, behaviour and attendance; and perhaps most importantly, the composition of the pupil population in the school.
Given these contexts, one outcome of interest is the attainment profile of schools, and it is important that this performance is judged in context, for the benefit of pupils, parents and schools. To help provide this context, CDRC researchers, Dr Stephen Clark, Dr Nik Lomax and Professor Mark Birkin, developed a new classification using contemporary data for English primary schools.
The classification allocates schools into one of 32 sub-groups, allowing them to compare their performance, either academically or financially, with similar schools. These groupings allow the identification of “families of schools”, to act as a resource to foster better collaboration between schools and enable more nuanced benchmarking.
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